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Frozen Embryo Transfer

Frozen Embryo Transfer

The prospective mother’s ovaries are artificially stimulated in new IVF rounds to generate a larger number of mature eggs. The eggs are then extracted via a process known as a follicular puncture or ovum pick-up (OPU) and then fertilized in the lab using the husband’s or donor sperm.

The resultant embryo(s) is/are transplanted back to the Intending Mother’s uterus after 3-5 days. Spare, excess, or unused embryos are cryopreserved in liquid nitrogen at -196 °C until a choice is reached regarding their fate.

Fate of surplus Frozen Embryos:

  • Cryopreservation of materials for subsequent usage
  • Other ladies or couples receive a donation. Embryo Donation to other infertile couples after consent 
  • Stem cell research donations after consent
  • Destruction after consent

The first and second alternatives both result in the same thing: a Frozen Embryo Transfer. Cryopreservation is utilized for reproductive objectives in both situations.

What is embryo transfer technology (ETT)?

Embryo transfer technology : Transfer of embryos is a specialist breeding method. To produce, an exogenous hormone is administered to a sexually mature female known as the donor. Ova (a female reproductive cell or gamete that can grow into a new person) is fertilized either naturally or artificially within her. These are then extracted before implantation and transferred to the reproductive tracts of synchronized surrogate mothers of the same species, known as recipients. As a consequence, the fertilized ova develop in the recipient body, and the children inherit DNA from both the donor and the male to whom the donor was bred.

4 Ways to Improve Frozen Embryo Transfer Success

Here is a list of frozen embryo transfer tips to improve your success rate of embryo transfer.

  • For IVF therapy, choose a Good Lab quality and experienced Embryologist – Finding the finest doctor is always a priority when it comes to any sort of healthcare, and embryo transfer is no exception. Those who have faith in their embryologist had a less difficult IVF cycle than women who are worried about therapy. A fertility specialist or embryologist in SCI IVF Hospital is the ideal choice for frozen embryo transfer since these professionals have the necessary knowledge to complete the operation without complications.
  • Pre-tests should not be overlooked – The importance of pre-IVF testing cannot be overstated. Before an embryo transfer, the fertility team should request important testing. A transvaginal scan of the uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tubes, hormone profile, and sperm analysis are among the tests available.
  • Consider taking a folic acid vitamin – Folic acid is a good vitamin to take during IVF since it lowers the chance of birth abnormalities including neural tube defects (NTDs). When the spinal column does not completely seal around the spinal cord, NTDs develop. Spina bifida is the most prevalent kind of NTD. A folic acid supplement of 400-600 mcg per day should be taken for at least three months before commencing IVF therapy. Folic acid can also be found in multivitamins.

Keep a well-balanced diet – No such thing as an implantation diet exists. The most essential thing to remember is to consume nutritious meals regularly as suggested by SCI IVF Hospital. That means a diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as protein, fiber, and good fats.

Cost of frozen embryo transfer

The technique of transferring frozen embryos into a woman’s uterus is known as Frozen Embryo Transfer. In India, the frozen embryo transfer cost is approx. INR 75,000 plus the cost of IVF stages.


Every woman’s body is unique, and it will respond to embryo transfer in its unique way. Although the two-week wait may appear to be the longest, the following techniques can significantly increase the chances of a frozen embryo being implanted successfully.

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