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IVF/ICSI Treatment for Foreigner Patients

IVF/ICSI Cost Treatment in India for foreigner Patients

Treatment Name Treatment Cost (USD)
IVF/ICSI 4250 $ – 4900 $ package
FET (Frozen Embryo Transfer) 1600 $
Blastocyst Included in the package
Embryo Freezing
(9 months)
410 $
Donor Embryo
(for OD Cycle)
4900 $+ 1000 $ (Donor Cost)
Sperm Freezing (9 months) Approx 20 $
IUI 410 $
PESA/ TESA 600 $
M-TESA 2200 $
Donor Egg 2050 $
Donor Sperm 70 $
Diagnostic Hysteroscopy 630 $
Operative Hysteroscopy 1210 $
Diagnostic Laproscopy Hysteroscopy 1295 $
Operative Laproscopy Hysteroscopy 1340 $
Donor IVF Surrogacy Not Applicable
ICSI Same as IVF Cost (4900 $ )
Laser Hatching Services 205 $
Cyst Aspiration 115 $

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