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Multiple Failed IVF Cycle


Recurrent Implantation Failure (RIF) is the failure of a woman’s clinical pregnancy after she has had numerous healthy and robust embryo transfers during IVF therapy in at least three frozen or fresh cycles before the age of 40. It excludes pregnancy loss caused by an atypical uterine cavity or hydrosalpinx following IVF or ICSI. A failed IVF cycle, however, may be emotionally and financially disastrous.

Causes of Failed IVF Treatment

Female Factors

  • The female partner’s age
  • Having a low ovarian reserve
  • Uterine problems
  • Tubes of hydrosalpinx
  • Thin endometrium
  • Poor egg quality
  • Low no of egg released

Male Factors

  • Poor sperm quality
  • Smoking
  • Whether you’re overweight or underweight

Lab & Clinic failure

  • Ovarian stimulation reliant on the abilities of the physician in charge of the procedure
  • Retrieval abilities

What are the treatment options after failed IVF?

There are various options for treatment after failed IVF, which you should consult your IVF
doctor and know about its possibilities.

  • Blastocyst Culture – A blastocyst is a developing embryo with several cell components and a fluid cavity that has reached the day 5 stage.
  • Hatching Assist – Assisted hatching is a laboratory method that is occasionally used in conjunction with IVF therapy in SCI IVF Hospital and Surrogacy Centre India.
  • Frozen Embryo Transfer – Cryopreservation of excess embryos during in vitro fertilization is beneficial. Patients who are unable to conceive can use frozen embryos in later cycles to conceive.
  • Egg Donor Program – IVF using egg donors is a fertility therapy option for those who are unable to utilize their eggs for a variety of reasons. The egg donation procedure involves extracting eggs from a woman with healthy ovaries.
  • Surrogacy – When pregnancy is medically difficult or dangerous for the intended mother, many turn to surrogacy for help. Surrogacy is a legal agreement in which a woman who is not genetically related to the kid bears and delivers the child for the biological parents.
  • Diagnostic hysteroscopy and endometrial biopsy to rule out infection
  • Donor sperm if poor sperm quality

How to Increase Your Chances of Getting Pregnant After an IVF Failure?

Pregnancy after failed IVF treatment: Your habits, behavioral inclinations, and lifestyle choices all have a part in whether or not your pregnancy is successful. IVF makes advantage of the body’s inherent mechanisms and encourages them to function at their optimum.

If a woman smokes while trying to conceive, her odds of becoming pregnant are virtually half in one fell swoop. Caffeinated drinks are also known to reduce the odds of pregnancy when consumed regularly. Alcohol and fat have a negative impact on the capacity to carry a pregnancy to term.

It’s vital to remember that IVF is a medical process, not a magic wand that can magically produce a pregnancy. Changing specific lifestyle choices, exercising regularly, and eating a nutritious diet are just as important throughout an IVF treatment as they are while trying to conceive naturally.

As a result, it is safe to state that there is some good news for women who are wondering if they may conceive spontaneously after failed IVF treatment. Maintain a calm demeanor, concentrate on your health, and give it your all as often as possible.


One of the top IVF centers for IVF failure therapy is SCI IVF Hospital and Surrogacy Centre India. They have the knowledge and ability to assist individuals with challenging cases of infertility, and they understand that failed IVF cycles can indicate a successful next IVF therapy.

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