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IVF Treatment
After a much awaited its actually a dream come true moment With the proper guidance and support of Dr. Shivani and Dr. Vishal Gour “And overall guidance of Isis Staff “ We have now positive result of pregnancy. I wish them success heartiest thanks for bringing the positive moment to our life. Lots of Good...
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IVF Treatment Delhi is becoming one of the major hotspots in India for having the best success rate in curing the Fertility related health hazards. Here we answer few commonly asked questions on IVF Treatment. What is infertility? When should couples go for IVF Treatment Delhi? There are many causes of infertility are due to female...
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How can you thank someone for giving you the gift of life in the form of “LIFE”. There is no thank you or form of appreciation that could ever do justice to what “DR. SHIVANI MAM” have done for us. Mam, you have been a true blessing to us. Moreover, Many thanks to the entire...
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In difficult time with our previous disappointments, you and your amazing teams gave us the greatest gifts times 2 ! We will forever be grateful for your complete efforts and care. Special thanks to Dr. Sujata for her special caring and homely attention towards us. We wish SCI all the best for their future endeavor....
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“I am very grateful for everything you did. Now my world is wonderful And I am Very happy.” Thank you Anjali & Jaswant    
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Dear Dr. Shivani Gour, Thank you so much for feeling my life with the joy of a lovely son whom we are expecting for long ago. My son N has born safe and sound 20 days before. May God grant you with all the happiness of life. Regard, A S Basir
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डॉ  शिवानी , डॉ  सुजाता , डॉ  स्मिता सादर  प्रणाम SCI HOSPITAL में  मैं  जब  पहली  बार  आयी  तो  मुझे  यहाँ  के  ट्रीटमेंट  के  बारे  में  कोई  भी जानकारी नही थी जब मैं यहाँ के डॉक्टर से पहली बार मिली तो मुझे बहुत ख़ुशी मिली क्योंकि उन्होंने मुझे प्रेमपूर्वक हर जानकारी दी और मुझे हिम्मत...
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आदरणीय- डॉ शिवानी ,डॉ स्मिता ,डॉ सुजाता आप सभी को बहुत-बहुत धन्यवाद ! हम दोनों ,धर्मेंद्र कुमार और ज्योति निवासी -विजयनगर ग़ाज़ियाबाद चार  वर्षो से संतान -सुख से वंचित थे |बहुत इलाज कराने के बाद भी ,हमें ये सुख प्राप्त नही हुआ,हमें संतान सुख की प्राप्ति यहाँ इलाज कराने के बाद हुई| हम दोनों यहाँ...
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We express our deep gratitude to the team of Dr. Shivani, Dr. Smita Jain, Dr. Sujata and other SCI support staff who helped us to achieve the bliss and joy of parenthood.Dr. Sujata was the guidance,Dr shivani helped to conceive and Dr. Smita Jain was instrumental in monitoring caring during pregnancy ineld.surgery and we were...
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